Welcome to Pharmaceutics Department
Pharmaceutics is a discipline of Pharmacy which deals with the formulation and development of old or new drug molecule into dosage form to provide safe, effective treatment to patient. It is the science of dosage form design. Department of Pharmaceutics of SSR College of Pharmacy has been actively involved in improving the theoretical and practical skills of the students at the Degree and Post Graduate level. The department is regulated and governed by experienced staff.

Dr. Smita Bonde
Professor & HOD
18.8 Y
Dr. Himanshu Solanki
Associate Professor
14.3 Y
Mr. Vipul Prajapati
Associate Professor
23 Y
Ms. Bhavini Rohit
7 Y
Mr. Mehul Rohit
Assistant Professor
Experience: 4.3 Y
Ms. Parthika Patel
Assistant Professor
Experience: 3 Y
Ms. Avni Desai
Assistant Professor
Experience-1.3 years
Infrastructure and List of Instruments & Equipments
The department has 4 UG labs (Pharmaceutics-I, Pharmaceutics-II, Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Microbiology lab), one industrial pharmacy lab and one post-graduate research laboratory. Pharmaceutics Department of our college is well equipped with different mini-industrial scale instrument which offer advantage for researcher to carry out their research. The subject areas in the department are Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Industrial Pharmacy, Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, Cosmeticology, Regulatory Affairs, Novel Drug Delivery System etc. which are handled by experienced faculty. The laboratory is equipped with various formulations, processing and testing equipment which is necessary for various research activities.

List of Instruments & Equipments
Ampoule Clarity test apparatus | Tray Dryer (GMP Model) |
Ampoule filling & sealing device | Planetary Mixer |
Ampoule washing machine | Double Cone Blender |
Capsule filling machine hand operated | Bottle Washing Machine * Bottle Cap Sealing Machine |
Tablet Disintegration apparatus Digital | Tablet Coating pan Unit |
Tablet dissolution test apparatus | Stability chamber Photo Stability chamber |
Tablet Friability test apparatus Digital | Rotational viscometer (fungilab brand)/ Brookfield Viscometer |
Tablet hardness tester-Monsanto type | Trinocular microscope |
Tablet hardness tester-Pfizer type | Permeability cups * Homogenizers |
Micro centrifuge, High speed homogenizer | Multi-tooling Rotary Tablet Press (D, B, BB tooling) |
Angle Rotor with Poplypropylene tubes | Lab Spray Dryer |
Dry granulator * Wet granulator | Orbital incubator shaker |
Universal Gearing * Pelletizer | B.O.D. incubator |
Dosing filling for Ointment | Bacteriological Incubator |
Dosing filling for Liquid | Hot air oven * Autoclaves |
Tripple Roller mill | Sterility testing unit |
Ball mill Standard | Membrane filtration unit |
Mini Collodial Mill (GMP) | Microwave oven * Colony counter |
Mini Vibro Shifter (GMP) | Inclined microscope |
Mini RMG GMP MODEL All Contact parts SS-304 | Peristaltic pump |
Lyophilizer (Freeze Dryer) | Extrusion spheronizer |
Research Activities
We are actively involved in research of conventional as well novel dosage forms of drugs using various natural and synthetic excipients. The department has marked its importance in research activities by Published more than 100 number of research and review articles on various topics of Pharmaceutics in high impact factor reputed international journals of Pharmaceutics. Faculties of Pharmaceutics have published 04 book of Pharmaceutics considering existing curriculum of B. Pharm. To upgrade the knowledge of students according to their curriculum and in order to mimic current status of Pharmaceutical Industries, every year department continuously involved in organization of visit of students and staff to various Pharma-industries situated in this region. Faculty Members fetched more than 20 lacs grants for major/minor research work from AICTE, SPPU and GSPC for organization of seminars, workshops for improvement of practical skill of one and all. Faculty has Granted 02 international Patent and 01 National Patent.

Thrust Area
- Oral thin film formulations of various molecules using various polymers.
- Microencapsulation of various molecules using various polymers and technology.
- Raft forming drug delivery system.
- Dual release drug delivery systems in tablets.
- Emulgel, floating tablets and ocular inserts formulation of drugs.
- Desired formulations of various probiotics.
- Solubility/bioavailability enhancement of poorly soluble drugs.